Growing flower bulbs, a natural product, requires a careful logistical process. For example, the bulbs undergo a temperature treatment, are sorted, moved several times and replanted or sold. The growth of the company and the market are causing a complex logistics process. During this process, it is essential that parties are not confused and that the storage process is controlled. On the forklift-mounted iPads, all movements, changes and inventory changes are therefore kept track of each batch.
In a relatively short period of time, the flower bulbs are harvested, sorted and moved many times between drying walls and cold stores. After that, they leave the company for export, grow or become the bulbs (planting material) stored to be planted again the next season. Keeping track of (and remembering) all these actions is a process that requires a lot of attention and time. By entering all movements and changes directly on location and being able to find them in history afterwards, the inventory administration is always up to date, which gives peace of mind, says owner Rob van Haaster.
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