Smart devices

Smart scanning equipment to automate your process

Radio Frequency Identification helps companies automatically identify and track objects with radio waves. The system uses tags and scanners to read items from a distance of up to 15 meters, making inventory management and logistics processes more efficient and saving costs.

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Benefits of RFID

Scan labels using radio waves

RFID is a technology that allows you to scan hundreds of tags at once, even when they are out of sight. RFID uses radio signals to read a tag's unique code remotely. This allows you to track items within your company uniquely and saves you a huge amount of time and errors in the process.

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Work much faster and more accurately

With RFID, you can scan everything at once, from incoming to outgoing goods. This speeds up inventories and other processes, such as order processing. Any errors are noticed immediately.

Reduction of human error and theft

RFID functions as an extra pair of eyes. It detects issues right away, so you always have an accurate view of your inventory.

Real-time inventory updates

Everything is automatically scanned and updated directly in the system. This gives you real-time data, so you're always in control and can make smarter decisions.

Use the right RFID reader for the right application

An RFID reader records Electronic Product Codes (EPCs) via the connected antenna. Each tag has a unique code that the reader can read dozens of times per second. The way the reader distributes the radio field is crucial for the readability of the tags. The success of an RFID system depends on the optimal coordination of the reader and antenna with the tags, taking into account the environment in which they are scanned.

  • The tag is at least as important as the reader

  • In some cases, a protective fence is necessary to prevent cross- and stray reads

  • With Beam software, these settings are easy to configure for a wide range of readers.

Price and performance vary by UHF RFID tag

The price and performance of RFID tags can vary greatly depending on their design and application. Some tags are optimized for maximum reading distance, while others are designed with a focus on cost savings or robustness. It is important to choose a tag that is suitable for the environment in which it is used, keeping the cost as low as possible without making readability unreliable.

  • You can read UHF tags up to 15 meters

  • Make sure your RFID tag performance is optimized for use in the European ETSI band

  • Beam can take care of the entire tag selection process, so you can rely on the best performing results without worries.

Distances and readability

A different application for each type of process

When selecting the right RFID solution, the specific process is decisive. The speed, distance and volume at which tags must be scanned determine the choice of hardware. Think carefully about how you want to identify the items, as this ultimately determines the efficiency improvement and costs. Simple solutions, such as a short-range NFC reader, are suitable for single tags, while high-performance RFID gates are required to quickly process complete pallets containing hundreds of tags. The right choice ensures an optimal and cost-efficient system.

Scanning Speed

At high speeds, sensitive RFID readers with stronger tags are required. The reader's power must be higher, which may require shielding to prevent interference.

Environment and volume

A large number of tags can cause RF noise, which reduces performance. Reflections and absorptions of RF signals in the environment may limit readability. Use appropriate reader modes and sessions and consider fencing for targeted lectures. The right tag selection in a busy environment is crucial.

Reading distance

The longer the distance, the more sensitive the tag must be. Use far-field antennas with higher power per reader and prevent stray reads by positioning carefully.

RFID software

From a single tag read to valuable business logic

Software is critical to an effective RFID system. It ensures that the high volume of reads from unique tags is processed efficiently and accurately. This prevents you from being flooded with data and ensures that only relevant information is forwarded to business applications and that full traceability is guaranteed.

RFID tag read

The RFID tag is' charged 'by the reader's radio field, so that the tag sends its EPC back to the antenna via backscatter.

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Middleware processing

The RFID reader sends the read data to middleware software. This middleware filters, collects and processes the data, and ensures that only relevant information is further transmitted.

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Synchronization to the cloud

The filtered data is sent to a cloud platform via a secure internet connection. This platform acts as a central hub for further processing and storage of the data.

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Custom business logic

The cloud platform software interprets the received RFID data and integrates it with the business logic of the ERP system. This can include inventory management, order processing, or goods tracking, for example.

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Full traceability

All data received and processed is logged for audits, analyses, and future use. This ensures transparency and traceability of all RFID transactions within the system.

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Beam platform

Beam offers a complete, standardized solution that controls everything.

Traditionally, RFID implementations are lengthy and complex. But Beam offers a standardized solution that simplifies this. From tag selection to hardware and software integration, we provide a complete and fast solution.
Van tag-selectie tot hardware- en software-integratie, wij leveren een complete en snelle oplossing.

Schedule RFID consultation or test

Solutions to your inventory management challenges via our equipment

No more sending an order to the wrong customer

Check an order in seconds after picking

Check multiple orders at the same time in the blink of an eye

Eliminate inventory counts for good

Save time through more efficient order picking

To connect RFID scan setups to Beam or the cloud, a Beam IoT bridge (connection between smart scan equipment and the Beam platform) is required. RFID tags and RFID printers can also be purchased from Beam as part of the total solution.

Curious about what else the Beam platform has to offer to further optimize your inventory management?

Do I need the Beam app to use the smart scanning equipment?

No, you can also use the equipment without our app. It depends on your work processes whether we also recommend our app. Among other things, the app provides a visual overview of where your inventory is and provides access to order processing, which is in most cases a good addition to the equipment.

How does the plug-and-play functionality of the Beam scanning devices work?

The equipment is designed to be connected and used immediately, without extensive installation procedures. It only requires connecting to a USB port or wireless connection to be operational.

Do I need technical expertise to use these scanning devices?

No, this equipment has been designed with ease of use in mind. Most users can pick it up quickly without in-depth technical knowledge. In addition, we will always ensure that it is installed and you will receive training with this.

Does this equipment support different types of bar codes?

Yes, our devices support various types of barcodes, including barcodes, QR codes, and RFID codes, to scan a wide range of inventory items.

Can this equipment be integrated with other inventory management systems?

Yes, this is possible. The easiest and fastest way is to connect to our platform, but the equipment is also compatible with other systems via standard interfaces.

How accurate are the scans of this equipment?

The equipment is optimized for accurate scans and minimizes errors in recording inventory information, thereby collecting reliable data.

What are the costs of the equipment?

We offer a variety of equipment that all differ in price. The final price consists of both this one-off price and a subscription fee for using our platform. This starter bundle starts at €295 per month, including access to multiple functionalities and three users. Additional costs vary based on additional modules, user numbers and any additional services such as support or training. For more information about prices, see the relevant page.

Are there any maintenance requirements for these scanning devices?

Overall, our equipment requires minimal maintenance, such as firmware updates or occasional cleaning, to maintain optimal performance. In the event that other problems arise, we will link you to the right service partner.

How can I get support if I have questions or problems with this equipment?

We offer customer support every working day via email, live chat and phone support channels. This way, we can help you as quickly as possible. It is also possible to purchase an SLA from us.